Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Five Essential Elements of a Successful School Community

While it's true that each school context is unique and comprised of diverse needs, challenges and strengths, I would suggest that there are certain elements that form the foundation of all successful school communities.  These are what I identify as the "non-negotiables".

1. A clear, consistent vision. 

It is impossible to move forward if we don't know where we're going. 

A clear "road map" that provides a community with a sense of direction is essential. Finding a common purpose should be a collaborative process, and ultimately clearly communicating that vision of the future is the next essential step in any change process. In the midst of what what might be perceived to be competing agendas and initiatives, it is important that we are able to identify and articulate a common vision. We need to be able to "connect the dots" for staff and students, giving purpose and focus to individual initiatives under the larger umbrella of that shared vision.

2. Relationships as a foundation. 

Students and staff need to feel connected and cared for.

In her article "If You Want Students to Learn, They Need to Feel They Belong", author Tricia Taylor highlights the importance of relationships in creating a sense of belonging in school communities.

"Cognitive scientists explain that belonging is important because when we belong, we feel safe, and a safe brain is ready to learn. On the other hand, when the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for regulating stress, feels threatened or is on high alert, information is then blocked from freely entering areas of higher cognitive memory consolidation and storage. A safe brain allows for a growth mindset and better executive function, which means being better able to make mistakes/take academic risks; having a higher level of self-efficacy (more willing to set higher goals, etc.); and practising more self-control, which results in less conflict. We are also better able to persevere and think hard about tasks."  

3. An environment where both students and staff are encouraged to learn and take risks. 

If students are the only ones who are learning, that's a problem.

We need to model the same curiosity and desire to learn that we hope to instil in our students. That means taking the time both individually and as a staff to identify potential areas of growth.  In The Innovator's Mindset, George Couros talks about the need to "embrace" the "messiness" of learning. By modelling a willingness to take risks and extend our own learning, we create a culture that sees "not knowing" as an opportunity rather than as a deficit. This is a powerful example for our students.

4. A culture of collaboration and trust. 

We're all in this together.

Ultimately, we all have the same goal- to support the social, emotional and academic success of our students. An impossible feat if we attempt it on our own. But collectively, we can provide the myriad of supports and opportunities that are necessary to meet the needs of a diverse student population. This means carving out the time to connect with colleagues, families and community organizations. The success of our students is a shared responsibility. 

5. A focus on joy and positivity. 

This might seem naive to some, but in a system that tends to be more focussed on what needs to be fixed, rather than what is going well, it's important to take the time to be joyful, and celebrate our successes!

In his book, Embracing a Culture of JoyDean Shareski writes the following:

"Doing joyful things might be the most important work we do. And when leadership in particular makes it clear that joy for joy's sake is important, then culture begins to change. Maybe we can be better, more humane, more just and more joyful than the real world. What a great lesson and model for our students."

The reality is that there is no one "right answer" when it comes to identifying the elements a successful school community. But I would suggest that it is essential to have the conversation. What do your parents, your students, your staff identify as their "non-negotiables"?

Monday, 11 March 2019

"Family and School Should Walk Together"

I was given the gift of a new perspective.

After over 20 years in education, as an educational assistant, teacher, and now school administrator (not including my own experiences as a "less than successful" student), I thought I had a pretty good sense of the education system - both the benefits and the challenges.

But this past week, through conversations with two families who are new to Canada, I gained a deeper understanding, and an even deeper sense of responsibility. 

In one conversation, a parent was looking for ways to connect her son to the school community. An ELL student who was older than some of his classmates, he was struggling to find a place to belong. An energetic and outgoing student in his home country of Brazil, the parent was beginning to see her son withdraw, and was understandably worried. 

I assured her that there were opportunities for her son, both in the classroom and through extra-curricular clubs and sports. As we talked, she shared with me some of his interests and together, we brainstormed ways to connect him to various groups within the school. I then met with her son to get a sense of how he was feelings and what he envisioned for himself. I assured both the student and the parent that I would continue to follow up and check in regularly to see how the plan that we'd created was unfolding. 

Ultimately, I did what any school administrator would do. As a vice principal, and a mom of a teenaged boy myself, I try to see every student through the eyes of a concerned parent. I treat them how I want my own son to be treated.

In a follow up email, the mother expressed her gratitude and her trust in the decisions that we made and founded that trust in the belief that "the family and school should walk together". This phrase stuck me. I was touched, and somewhat overwhelmed, by the trust she placed in the school. Not only did she expect that I would do the best for her child, it was an integral belief based on her perspective on the Canadian education system. To a large extent, it was why her family moved here. 

The second conversation was also with a family who was new to Canada. This time, both the mother and father came to my office. In the same way, they sat with me and shared their concerns for their son. Having moved numerous times over the past several years, back and forth from Saudia Arabia, the son was experiencing significant stress and anxiety. He began to avoid school, not because it was an unpleasant place for him, but because he was needing the comfort of his family home. Both parents shared heartfelt worries and hopes for their son. Through several conversations, I learned more about their family, their goals and their struggles. Again, the Canadian education system was a motivator in their move. And again, they expressed their trust and faith in me to do my best for their son. 

The irony is not lost on me that as someone who has spent the majority of their life either as a student or as an educator, it took the perspective of individuals who are new to this system to remind me of the integral role of schools. Not only are we supporting the success of individual students, we are also sometimes a vessel for the hopes and dreams of entire families. 

It was an incredible reminder that, "family and school should walk together" to support our students.

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