Friday, 13 May 2016

The Measure of Success

There's no denying the enormous complexity of a school community. They are fluid, incredibly diverse, multifaceted microcosms of society.

But in the face of this complexity, there is also one simple constant. Relationships. They are the essence of every interaction, every challenge and success, every mission statement and growth plan. They form the foundation for all that we do. They are at the heart of learning

So as we head into the final months of the school year, and perhaps begin to reflect on the success of our year, I'm challenging myself to focus less on the numbers and more on the people...

Did I do my best to connect with every student, every adult in my school community? Did I take the time to hear their stories, to truly see every individual? Did I work to establish trust and transparencyDid I value, encourage and respond to the voices of my community? And how can I continue to build on this foundation as I look ahead to a new school year end?

In the end, how will I measure the success of this school year? By the smiles in the hallways. By the high fives and fist bumps. By the ratio of "good morning's" to grunts. 

It's hard to plot on a graph, to factor into a report, or to display in a trophy case, but in the end, it's at the heart of all that we do. And I truly believe, there is no better indicator of success

What's important in a school community?

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