Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Learning in a Pandemic: Connections Over Content

Trauma informed education. Social-emotional learning. Empathy based instruction. These are all practices that have increased in prominence as the conversation continues around what education should look like during a pandemic. Indeed, if you were to walk into a school in most parts of BC today, things would likely look quite different. And yet, I would suggest that they don't look quite different enough.

The reality is that many of these differences are more reflective of new provincial health protocols rather than significant shifts in education. In part, I would argue that this is due to our innately human desire to "get back to normal". We crave familiar routines and structures. As such, some educators are struggling to deliver "pre-COVID" content to "post-COVID" students. Many parents are also feeling the pressure to get their children "caught up" as a result of missed time in the classroom. In both scenarios, students are the focus of this increased stress and anxiety. 

With the very best of intentions, we are essentially "punishing" students during a pandemic. 

By struggling to squeeze the same pre-COVID content into a school day that for the most part is structured significantly different, we are exhausting ourselves. And our students. And it worries me. Because with a somewhat heavy heart, I've come to realize that we're in this for the long haul. Even if a vaccine was to be introduced tomorrow, the impact of the last ten months will permeate our society for years to come. It would be an impossible task to attempt to compensate for all that we have lost. 

And so, we need to give ourselves, and those around us, "permission" to let go of some things in order to focus on those elements that are essential to a school community: relationships, connections, curiosity, exploration and a love of learning. 

My son was a member of the graduating class of 2020, otherwise known as a "Quaren-Teen". Rather than traveling the world as he had originally planned, he is working full time on an organic vegetable farm. He may or may not return to school at some point. He has no idea what he wants to do in the coming years. And I'm totally ok with that. Because he is still learning. He is still growing. We've both had to let go of our pre-COVID plans and expectations in order to make space for new plans and adjusted expectations. 

Learning during a pandemic should look different. And not just because hand sanitizer and masks feature prominently in our schools. But because we have shifted our teaching and learning to address what is truly essential for the success of our students in this new reality. 

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Managing Change - Our New COVID Reality


At my core, I am a creature of habit. I would suggest that for the most part, many educators are. We like structure and routine, predictability and patterns. Change is uncomfortable. And unsettling. It is an unknown element that fills many of us worry and stress. But I have also come to understand that in that place of uncertainty, growth and learning happens. Learning happens on the edge of understanding.

In many ways, this pandemic has forced us to re-examine long-held systems, to re-envision which aspects of our traditional structures best serve our communities. It has been an opportunity. With so much "new-ness", innovation and change is a constant. And for the most part, we have come to accept that. 

But with change, comes anxiety. It is palpable in our communities. It is real. And it can be debilitating. And so I am mindful of doing my best amidst all of this "new-ness" to also offer the security and stability of familiar routines and structures. 

The next few months will be about finding a balance. A balance between the new and the familiar. A balance between those things that must be implemented, and those things that we can take the time to examine. reflect upon and consult. 

I am in a new city, in a new district, at a new school. But like my fellow educators, one element remains the same - we will do our very best to support our students. 
No matter what. 

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Bridging the Distance in Distance Learning

When connections and relationships are essential to a successful school community, how is it possible to sustain and build upon those connections during this time of distance learning? Not only is this a challenge facing teachers, but one that school and district administrators must also consider as we strive to support our staff during challenging times.

Ideally, the ground work has already been established. The strong relationships that were founded when we had the opportunity for regular, face-to-face interactions will still exist. But even in those instances, new demands on our days might lead to some neglect of these strong ties. There is a tendency to assume that those who we feel "jut know" that we are here to support them may not need as much contact. But the overwhelming "new-ness" of our current state has a destabilizing effect on everyone.

Establishing connections with individuals who are new to our organizations is even more challenging.  As social creatures, we rely a great deal on "in-person" interactions. As such, establishing strong professional relationships via email, even video-conferencing, can be significantly more challenging.

In previous posts, I've shared what I believe to the be the essential elements of a successful school community (Five Essential Elements of a Successful School Community). I would suggest that these elements are even more essential during this time of distance learning. But with the complication of physical distance and a myriad of new obstacles, we need to be even more intentional in our approach.

Here are a few new understandings that I've come to;

1. Everything takes more time. With irregular schedules and less reliable methods of communication, I have learned to be patient, extending timelines for myself and others. Tasks that previously would have taken a few minutes, can now extend to days, even weeks. Operating on "old" timelines is unrealistic and stress invoking. We will all get there, eventually.

2. Everyone is feeling stressed and anxious. To varying degrees, each of us is operating in a new and challenging context. For many of us, we have shifted from a somewhat predictable and routine schedule to a very new reality. Our work days have likely taken on new hours. Our working environments look remarkably different. And our future is uncertain. I have learned that this constant state of stress and anxiety impacts each of us differently, and to be mindful of this in my interactions with others.

3. Relationships are more important than ever. Related to my first two points, I now "build in" time just to chat. While taking this time can be challenging with looming deadlines and numerous tasks to complete, I try to prioritize the person over the objective. Intentionally building in this time to connect and discuss topics that may be unrelated to the task at hand is ultimately more effective than trying to barge ahead with an agenda. Those few moments can provide valuable insight and understanding.
Relationships are more important than ever. 

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Relationships Not Rules

You might not expect to hear this from a school administrator, but I don't believe in rules.

That's not to say that I don't have high expectations for students. But I don't believe that a long list of "Do's" and "Don'ts" is in the best interest of any student or school community. Students are complex. They are unique. And so when I speak with a student who is struggling, it is the relationship that I have worked to establish with that individual that guides my response, not a list of rules.

Ultimately, successful school communities are built on relationships, not rules.

Monday, 27 January 2020

"Team" is a Verb.

I was recently asked to respond to the following question:

What are you most grateful for in your current role?

I answered without hesitation.
My team.

Much has been written about teacher isolation and the need for educators to foster collaborative relationships with colleagues. Whether separated by grade level, content area or the physical layout of a school itself, isolation can lead to stagnation and burn out. There is little debate that isolation has a negative impact on teachers, and by extension, their students. 

However, I would suggest that the need for a supportive, collaborative team for administrators is of equal importance. As the role of school administrator evolves, so do the associated stressors. As such, "going it alone" is no longer a feasible, nor a professionally responsible option. 

I am incredibly fortunate in my current role that my team consists of four administrators; a principal and three vice principals. However, numbers alone do not necessarily equate to a lack of isolation. 

"Team" is a verb, not a noun. 

Creating a strong team requires intentional, focussed action. As with any relationship, it takes time to establish trust. 

In addition to formal coaching and mentoring structures, I would suggest that more informal structures are also needed to build cohesive, effective teams. But in the midst of hectic and often stressful days, how can we "build in" both formal and informal structures? 

Below are five simple strategies to help build strong teams. 

1. Share your stories. Understanding the unique context that each member of your team brings with them to work every day is absolutely necessary. Whether it's young children, aging parents or a recent divorce, each of us has external stressors that may impact our lives on a daily basis. By sharing our stories with our team, we can offer additional supports when needed. 

2. Share the load. Although each member of an admin team may have different portfolios, with distinct tasks and responsibilities, offering a helping hand goes a long way. One of my most inspiring principals would often help stack chairs alongside the custodian and vice-principals at the end of lunch. 

3. Share your food. Most administrators eat hunched over a keyboard, or snack in their car between meetings. Food should be social. Scheduling time at least once a week to sit down with your admin team to eat lunch together can be enormously beneficial, not only for physical health, but also for mental well-being. 

4. Share your learning. Whether it's sharing Professional Growth Plan goals, or attending workshops together, learning alongside your team can help to inspire and sustain ongoing growth, both for ourselves and for our team members. 

5. Share (and celebrate) your successes. Sometimes we forget to acknowledge the great work of those closest to us. Along with "high five-ing" students, and giving kudos to exceptional staff, it's important to do the same for members of our team. A simple thank-you, a card (or a bottle of wine) goes a long way!

Ultimately, taking care of our team allows us to take care of our school communities and organizations. Leadership is a team sport

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